Exotic Butters

?Exotic ButtersThe gift basket of Exotic Butters is an item obtained on the fifth night of the fifth Five Nights at Freddy’s game, Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location.


What is Exotic Butters?
The gift basket of Exotic Butters is an item obtained on the fifth night of the fifth Five Nights at Freddy’s game, Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location. Your robotic guide, the Model V Handyman’s Robotics and Unit Repair System (usually shortened to HandUnit) awards you for completing your first week by giving you a gift basket. He then flips up a keypad to allow you to enter the kind of gift basket you want. As part of a running gag, the keypad fails and HandUnit “autocorrects” it to Exotic Butters.
If one were to complete the secret ending of the game and complete the fifth night, your Exotic Butters award will be laying on your television set as you watch the final episode of your favourite cartoon, The Immortal and the Restless. In the extras menu, the basket of Exotic Butters will be there. It will repeat HandUnit’s out-loud auto correction when left-clicked.

HandUnit- “As a reward for completing your first week, the company is giving you a complementary gift basket of your choice, the cost of which will be deducted from your pay. We have baskets containing Fruits, Nuts, Flowers, and the ever popular cash basket. Using the keypad, please type the first few letters of the basket you would like to recieve.”
Player- “I want the cash basket!” (attempts to type cash)
Handunit- “It seems you had a bit of trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will now autocorrect it for you. Thank you for selecting: EXOTIC BUTTERS.”
Player- “Oh for the love of…” (Proceeds to facepalm)

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